Saturday, September 22, 2012

Prayer for a Best Friend

Dear Jesus, you are such a great God. I want to thank you from the bottom of my truly devoted heart for bringing Hannah into my life. I get little glimpses of you every time she speaks words of wisdom to me. You have given me such a great gift by blessing me with such a rich friendship. I love that through all of the hard times you send both of our ways (there have been a lot), we always come through 10 times stronger and more in love with you.

Lord, what you are doing through Hannah by sending her to Spain is such an incredible example of how much you love us. Prepare her heart for what she is about to embark on.  It is going to be such an incredible journey of growth. I am so excited to watch from afar and hear about the way you change her life.

I love my best friend more than anything and I want to pray for her safety, patience and for her mind to be opened to all of the crazy and incredible adventures you are going to throw her way this year. When those pesky kids become more than she can handle or she begins to miss the sweet taste of an orderup cookie and the familiarity of home, I pray that you remind her of your presence in her life. Remind her that you will never leave her or forsake her. You are ALWAYS there. Never far. Always living in us. You are always our true Home.

Lord, I know that it is going to be hard for her and I know that sometimes you are going to feel so far away. When those tears start to bubble up, when her heart begins to hurt and when she feels like giving up on her job. Be there to encourage her.  You are the ultimate friend for encouragement and guidance.

Hannahs heart is so big. It is so so big. She loves you so much. You are going to do huge things through her in Spain. She is going to change so many lives. I am lucky to call such an awesome girl my best friend.

God you are so good. Safe travels for tomorrow. I know our reunion in December is going to be one filled with so much pure joy. Words can’t describe how excited I am. Wrap your holy incredible hands around her life in Spain. God, keep my best friend safe because I eventually need her back. Okay. I love you. So so much.


Kiss spain for me. Wish I was going with you! You are going to be awesome! Don't be nervous! Also, great song right here. God will meet you wherever you are. Love that and Love you. 

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