Monday, February 25, 2013

Dancing In the Minefields

There is this song that I have listened to over and over again for quite a few months now. I am not sure how I came across it but it had gradually become one of my most played songs on iTunes. The song is about two young loves who get married way too young and they are relating their marriage to "dancing in a minefield". At any moment they could step on a mine and their whole relationship could be blown to pieces. They are walking on pretty dangerous grounds but they believe that it is worth it because of the life that they have found together. The whole song is a beautiful picture of commitment and dedication to another, although it must be terrifying. 

Aside from the sweet story this song tells about an obviously adorable couple, the lyrics in this song have taught me more than just a gushy story. 

All my life I have been terrified. I have been so scared to fully commit myself to the Lord. I have been going through this relationship half-heartedly. Walking around this minefield never wanting to dive fully in. God calls me to be completely embraced in Him. He wants all of me! He wants every single part of me. And until about three weeks ago, I have never given Him all of me. His love is fierce, strong and it covers me with a feeling that I have never felt before. He has brought me to life. 

"But to lose your life for another I've heard
Is a good place to begin'

Cause the only way to find your life
Is to lay your own life down
And I believe it's an easy price
For the life that we have found"

To lose my life for Him is a scary thought but its a good place to begin. The life that I have found with Him is worth Dancing in this Minefield and by golly I am going to be dancing in this minefield for the rest of my life! His promises are true and He has all of me. 

Oh and isn't this video just adorable??? THE CUTEST!!